Guardian Peru

in Mancora and Lobitos, Peru

Our Impact in Peru

Guardian Peru has two academies located in Mancora and Lobitos, two small coastal cities 50 mins apart in Northwestern Peru.

30% of Mancora’s 15,000 residents are under 15 years old. of now have the opportunity to train Jiu-Jitsu at Guardian Peru for free. Peru’s coastal regions have suffered tremendously in the past few years due to the pandemic & other economic factors, and the opportunity to train Jiu-Jitsu can be life-changing for local kids. In a town that struggles from poverty and a lack of youth programs, Guardian Peru is making a profoundly positive impact.

Guardian Peru was founded in May 2022 by Salvatore Sanguinetti, 2nd-degree black belt. Currently, the program has 81 scholarships at both academies combined for youth to train Jiu-Jitsu at zero cost to their families. With your time & your generous support, we can continue grow and be there for these deserving kids.

Watch our short film below.